Usui/Tibetan Reiki Level II Certification
Sunday, September 29, 2019 9am-5pm
This class if perfect for those who wish to work on their loved ones, family members, friends and pets!
In this class, you will have first hand experience giving Reiki to others. You will learn to truly trust your intuition and feel confident when giving a Reiki session. You will be guided through meditations, have the opportunity to meet your Reiki guides, and there will be plenty of time for journaling and sharing. You will receive your Reiki II Attunement and you will be able to give distance healings. Ethics is also a large part of this class, so you are practicing safely, effectively, and legally! $175.00 (Prerequisite Usui Reiki Level I. Cost includes Manual & $50 non-refundable deposit)
Pre-register by September 23, 2019!